Three Poems
Elizabeth Wilcox

Day 7

They have assigned seats according to function & I am at the window for those who have irregular heartbeats, who can see their veins through the skin of their breastbone


The man who can juggle gets to sit by the ladder, the man whose job it is to die is by the hatch


Can you tell time? Command Station asks. I have to think about this for a minute or two.


The man whose job it is to die is slowly rising from his chair

he is covered in yeast

I wonder how he can breathe in there, I pause to consider turning into a loaf, slicing myself up.


Out the window we are approaching Vega and I think about how satisfying it must be to shine constantly at 0

Day 35

Standing on this side of the room, I can see the spot where I stood
yesterday & willed the floor to open up onto


& yes my eyelid is still over there


A line of men with buckets on their heads can still feel their way to
the hour coming for them. It gets harder the longer you're away, the longer you're invisible.


Sometimes I can hear the neutrinos whispering directions to me in the re-circulated air. Sometimes I imagine I am one.

[begin transmission]

when we find what you are looking for will you let us feel our bodies again

Day 36

Before you can pin a thing down -- I mean really hold its chin in your hands -- it's dead, or exploding. I've tried to explain this to them, I really have, but it's on and on with the instruments & the measurements & the log book &


that day before we launched all that was left of a man bird I knew was two gray feathers on the sidewalk


on the other hand the day I will walk the redshifted light out of the black hole will be a day of utter dancing, of dead sprints, of gravitational cartwheels


the latest from Command Station

1. I will be lively in the way I breathe when standing still
2. I will be lively in the electrified paralysis of my eye as it looks to the page for its cue
3. the whole universe of me in motion while at rest: one hand on my chest can throw the hole whole thing out of spacetime in a blink


I keep telling them my mouth doesn't feel quite right