Sarah Joy Freese

The band director cues the band to play her favorite song, "Sleigh Ride," while she listens over her LG Chocolate before her first chemo treatment.


When I get stuck, I read what others have written. Usually, I want to slit my wrists afterwards, but not in a suicidal kind of way.
In this issue, there are interviews with Salman Rushdie (24), Nam Le (42), Kathryn Harrison (58), and Andrew Sean Greer (76).
I am reading Slice.


My mom had to tell me there was no such thing as Santa Claus when I was three because I was afraid of a strange man entering the house. I didn't care if he was leaving gifts.
Stevan Allred says, "When magic comes into your life, you don't necessarily have to believe in it for the metaphor to work."


The endings always work.
It's the beginnings that suck.
I once read a story that began with this quote: "The dog, at a mile's distance, walks circles in the middle of the road."
Or maybe it was the ending.
I don't remember.