Don DeLillo in His Masterful Novel Libra: Three Poems
Adam Siegel

I wanted to see the black flag of anarchy

Flying above us
Someone propped me up like a doll in the back
I called that mixing the high and the lowwanting to be buried in the mix.
Little did I knowand less did I care

I started sniffing the air beneath the arms
I had a succubus living in my housethere were ghosts in the garden

Mon prenom c'est Paul

Open mouths, heavy headsall ceramic
Gone all ceramicor waxy
The air so rotten and thick

I had found that in many cases having money meant being free from fear
Listening toNo Reservationsbecause I had none
The fat moment I wanted
Some sort of dislocation that enriched as it smothered I got

That was me wondering
How I could stand at every border

Don DeLillo in His Masterful Novel Libra

When I got back years after "everything had changed"
Time had altered itI was privileged;
I took the train backIt meant
The air was poignant in its "frosty way"

And there was nothing all around me
I thought of a world composed of dots and so forth
I returned at night"I am returning at night"
I am "drinking, and that is why I must return at night"

One dwelt in the constant shadow of one's companions,
Betrayal and deathThere was tape hiss all over;
There was some sort of monotone thing going on in the "background"

"On background"There was a flavor that hung over everything.Too obvious to "Mention, let alone belabor"

"Das Deckname war das Kosename"

The sins of the family and their master
The family and its master were apparent enough to everyone there
I had called them
I had drawn my face upon them

"The separation" I saidOne felt parted
One felt free"There was a context for this thing
And I lived a life ruledpreordainedby context
And context and the tricks it might play on me"

"All these primatesgrooming"
I preferred to focusto concentrateon the individual
The thieves were all in the same place
This angerwhich I never actually felt

Spilled over everythingI reviewed their biographies
"Make sure they're kept clean I growled"

The sins of the family and their narrator
"Pedro Hagen."
I said, "Put me in the city
Of the dead, for once."